About me

I am Ghazaleh. I was born in Iran and immigrated to the Netherlands in 2007. After many years of working in Dutch academic hospitals as a scientist my passion for making connections through stories made me change my career path. I am now an artist, storyteller, a creative producer and the founder of StreaMind. Being raised in Iran I have experienced different invisible ways that oppression and censorship disrupts the authentic connection we have with the rest of the world. Telling stories, free expression of my stories on canvas and self-compassion repaired this disruption and helped me find a bridge to connect. Streamind is the bridge.
With StreaMind I undertake various projects from the ones that promote artists inside Iran for creating art without censorship to workshops that encourage the use of storytelling, art, and mindfulness practices for well-being and personal development. 
I believe in the power of collective efforts for change, so I keep telling stories and addressing socio-political issues that demand attention.

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